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Areo 10-03-2015 03:05 PM

Areo's ultimate money guide
Now, you just started the game. You walk around and do what new players do, and suddenly you find a hat shop. You click on a hat. It's priced at 4,000. You wonder how people make that much money, all you have is 16 gralats from throwing bushes. You give up and beg people for money.

This is what tends to happen. I've seen hundreds of noobs have no idea how to make gralats. Im making this guide for new players and old players, I hope that it will benefit some of you who read it.

The Pyrat Quest

The pyrat quest itself has been upgraded/replaced, but I will leave this here for those in the future who want to look back and see what it used to be. Consider 1 defunct as of Jan. 2017.

Location: York Town. Perquisite: Identification. Reward: 1,000 gralats.
Now, you make it to York Town. Go down to the bay, and head to the right. You will meet a guard named "Jagain". The whole goal of this quest is to kill the baddies in the area below Jagain to collect 75 eye patches. Now, to get an eye patch you need to kill a pyrat. The pyrats will drop gralats, maps(We'll get there eventually), arrows, bombs, and eye patches(usually just one, occasionally two).
There are three different areas you can do this in. The caves(my preferred option), the island proper, and the tent. The caves in my opinion are the best option because there is more baddys to go around, and you can't be killed by other players. Once you have collected your eye patches go back to Jagain. talk to him. Press complete and the quest is over, 1,000 gralats in the wallet.

a little big more advanced tips
A. If you are going all in, whenever you reach 99 bombs go to your house and farm(I'll include more farming details later).
B. This is a little rude, but if you see someone chaining baddies don't be afraid to steal from them. Just hit the highest health one(or two, if you can) and go from there. You can also make use of the lantern here, as it does a full 1 to baddies instead of just 0.5.
C. If you want to get rid of the arrows you can arrow the baddies instead, this will also all you to avoid deaths, if your a pker who cares about there ratio this could be of use to you.
D. Get a baddy to one health, then ditch him and go on to the next. Just be careful to watch them to make sure you don't miss out on the patch. Though you don't get bombs this way
E. I prefer the cave just below the starting cave.
F. Remember above where I said players can't kill you in the caves? That's a lie. You are invincible to swords and arrows, mounts with bombs or bombs in general can kill you. You will lose your bombs and arrows if that happens, be aware.
G. At the moment the pyrats are not chasing as they are supposed to, often if you are hitting them they won't move at all. Can be the perfect time to arrow them, or use the lantern.
H. Lastly, if you are killing baddies on the outside, for whatever reason, you can watch for loots in the water.

The real number 1. Castle bounties
Prerequisite; identification.
Location; castle, steward's room(to the right in the throne room).

The castle update was a really cool one, but the most impactful change is the replacement to the pyrat quest; The Bounty. The Bounty quest is like the pyrat quest in many ways. You must kill (n) of a certain type of baddy, just like the pyrat quest. However, it greatly expands on what enemy type you will face. Currently you can hunt

100 green blobs
20 Lizardons
75 Pyrats(as homage to the PQ I assume).
75 Rebel soldiers(regular green baddy)
60 dark blobs
60 rats
75 snakes
75 bats
75 bandits
80 spiders
50 archers
50 crabs

I would love any assistance in filling out the chart above to make it more accurate. Since this guides inception things have already changed, so certain numbers will change.

Things you'll definitely want to know, or wish you had known, before your first bounty.
1. The bounty box will "drop"(stop following you, and will not pick up anything) after every kill/capture you get, and will require you to call it, or run over it to pick it up again.
2. You cannot warp ring with the box, however, you can "unstuck/unstick" me. That's very useful, as you will never have to stay by castle for a quest since it will follow you through the warp.
3. For faster travel, you can drop the box, then get on your mount, and then pick it up again by running through it. You can also pick it up with a drasine(which is important for rat spots).
4. The call doesn't work between different rooms, so don't drop it somewhere and then hope to call it somewhere else, You will have to go all the way back to your original location.
5. Currently there is no set feature that keeps track of who has hit it more gets the bounty, so with some baddies you can steal them. Dusty has said this feature will happen, so stayed tuned.
6. To get your reward, take it to the Dungeons, not the steward. The dungeons can be found from the main foyer by staying on the ground floor and going right for awhile. You'll reach a floor with no more doors to the right, but with a stair case. That staircase is the dungeon. Walk in and talk to the NPC behind the counter to receive your reward.
7. When you completely fill your bounty the box will give off a sparkly effect.
8. Should you collect a rare baddy variant you will get an extra 250 gralats, so if you see one definitely try and get it.

Green Blobs
Location; swamp town(everywhere), Upper Map.
Amount needed; 100(kinda 50, I'll explain).
Usual time taken; 15-20 minutes.
Rare variant: Golden Blob

The basic green blob, one of only two baddies to be made into a hat(along with Boris, the rat). This is one of the first baddies you'll encounter, so you should be familiar with it's fighting style, but I'll go over it anyways. First, you swing at it, trying to be a decent distance away(it's attack can sometimes feel pretty weird, so stay farther away) sometimes it will let you combo it, other times it will jump towards you. Just step around when the it does. After you have hit it a few times it will break into 2 miniature blobs, the actual capturable blobs here(which is why it's more like 50 than it is like 100). The miniature blobs have three patterns; jumping into the center, jumping apart in opposite directions, and jumping towards you.

In the first and last of those you should attempt to quickly step around/in and attack them... This will usually result in a double kill/capture, and once perfected will make your life much, much easier. In the second you will have to pick up your box again after killing mini-blob1, which wastes time.

There are plenty of spots where the blobs can and will respawn, my favorite being the Northern Wilderness. General rule of thumb; if a baddy is located in the Northern Wilderness yo should probably hunt in there. I usually try to hunt this baddy near the upper left corner.

The green blobs summoned from "The Blob" are currently not capturable, as they do not break into the miniatures.

B. Lizardons.
Location(s); Destiny connecting cave, Destiny upper-west, Big City(inside the Volcano).
Amount needed; 25.
Average time taken: unknown(I did this quest when it was 50, will update).
Prerequisite; flippers(for the volcano Lizardons, that is).
Rare variant: none.

Lizardons are the bane of my Graal existence: they are tough, have forced poor civilians out of business, and nearly captured the poor GFD. You will feel the pain during this bounty.

This is the newest baddy in the game. Their fighting ability backs that up. They have two attacks. A fire blast, like a prolonged bomb explosion from a horse. They also have a "sprint at you like a bat out of hell" attack. The main strategy I employ with these fellas is running away, waiting for them to breath fire, and then walking around to the side/behind and swinging. Even then, they will likely kill you once for every one of them you kill. You won't have to worry about dropping your bounty box, doubling Lizardons will almost never be an option.

Another way, perhaps a superior way, is quickly running in to a lizardon that isn't focused on anyone, hitting it, and then sprinting away and outside its "zone". It will(sometimes) not react to you and not chase. Then you can try and do things again.

Oh yeah, and they also have the weirdest hitbox of any enemy ever. They can run straight through your sword and pummel you, so don't just stand-and-spam like you do with pirates. It will not work.

Even since I started writing this guide there was a change to the amount of lizardons(the added volcano section). There are now plenty to go around, I recommend the Volcano, as there are plenty of rooms for you to find your own Lizardons. However, you can get overwhelmed if you try and attack too many. They do drop more gralats, bombs, and arrows than your typical baddy, though.

C. Pyrats
Location; Pyrat Bay(everywhere).
Amount needed; 75
Average time taken; 10-15 minutes.
Rare variant: none.

We're back, to the baddy that started it all; the pyrat. A lot of my advice from before applies, but here are some updated tips for this baddy.

Find a secluded room and go off on them; the player population in PB has decreased drastically, so you should easily be able to attack 2-3 at once. Outside is kinda trash now in my opinion, so the cave or tent is really the only way to go. You'll want to have a 1 HP gap between the Pyrats you're attacking, so that you can knock them away, pick up the box, and then kill again. That seems to be the best way to minimize picking the box up.

CURRENTLY you can steal captures at 0.5, so if there's someone else in your room you can attempt to do that. I don't recommend it though. There are so many to go around that the risk(having them fight you over the baddies you are killing) isn't worth the reward(1 capture).

You can sleep easy, because all of the "pyrat pkers" are gone now, and since you can't use bombs during bounties you will not be killed inside.

D. Rebel Soldiers
Locations; Below castle(along with that extended cave), Above Onnet school, by SeaPort(the newest area in the game), Balamb.
Average time; 10-15 minutes.

The basic baddy. Outside of the name change these guys have received little adjustment over their iClassic life.

Their fighting style is identical to the pyrat, so fighting them should not be an issue. They are no Lizardon or Dark Blob. There are plenty of these guys to go around. I prefer heading up to the top of the map or Onnet, since the amount of players there is far less. Distance from Castle doesn't matter, since you can just unstuck at the end anyways. There is no point in fighting with the other players near Nafets.

The same method from Pyrats applies here, too; try and attack 2-3 and keep a 1 HP difference between their health. It allows for the quickest captures since the box drops.

E. Dark Blobs
Location; railways(everywhere), higher spawn rates can be found in a cave near the warp ring pedestal.
Average time; 20 minutes.
Rare variant: Flaming Blob.

The railway baddy(however you don't need a drasine for this quest). You might be thinking "haven't we already learned how to fight blobs?" well, it's a different story this time. These guys are much more difficult. Their attack range is much larger, meaning your accuracy on the keys needs to be better. They also will combo you if you're too close. The best way to fight these guys is to wait for them to spawn, then keep step spamming into them. You need to maintain the right distance though. Once they hit you are start jumping around it is much harder(and time consuming). Unlike the green blob they do not split into two miniature blobs.

Where is a different story compared to most baddies, when you're usually just looking for more baddies. In this case i prefer being near 1 or 2, so I can catch them right as they spawn. Again, once they start hopping around is when you know you're wasting time. But maybe you would like to try the cave? At least you'll always be fighting one there.

Also, don't bother fighting a player for this baddy. There's too many to really want to go through the hassle of that.

F. Rats
Locations; Railways(kinda everywhere, mostly in caves), Destiny(by the Owls Nest), Bandit Cave.
Average time; unknown(I have not hunted the current number).
Rare variant: Bomb Rat

Rats! Not this enemy again!

Sorry. Anyways the rat is another baddy that was introduced alongside the railways. It's staple is coming out of mouse holes in the wall. This is the only other baddy where you can wear it as a hat(you can win that hat from a bandit in a rat cave).

This baddy is a pretty routine kill, just swing and chase it around. They take 4-5~ hits to kill, which is average. Little advice can really be given on how to fight this one. At the moment focus on one or two rats at a time. Don't get greedy, especially if there are other players around. With their low HP they can be stolen easily.

I prefer heading into the cave in between Onnet and MoD town in the railway system. Usually the second room, the one where you can RPS for Boris. I've found that a lot of players use Destiny, so I would avoid there. The Bandit's cave is also a good place to hunt them, as players without the drasine can't make it to that area.

G Snakes
Location; Big City... That's it.
Average time; 22.5 minutes.
Rare variant: Skull Snake.

"Snakes... It had to be snakes"

Snakes, the baddy that was brought along in the Bity City update. They are an interesting baddy, with a unique fighting style and a cool look.

They take 4~ hits to kill, which isn't too many. After you hit them they will stay still for half a second, and then they will charge you like a stereotypical rhino(straight line, very fast, invincible). My advice would be to hit it and then move up/left or up/right, really anywhere as long as your not in a straight line from the snake. After it finishes it's charge attack it again, and then repeat.

occasionally two will snakes will get stuck on one another, so keep an eye out for that; it's basically a free kill of the lower HP snake.

In Big City there are three islands that harbor snakes: the main island with the volcano, and two mini islands. I prefer the mini islands, but so does everyone else. They are usually pretty busy, so mainland has kinda become the superior choice. Too many stealers on the island to make it worthwhile.

H. Spiders
Locations; Right of Taylor Richaards, Northern Wilderness, below Onnet school.
Average time; haven't done.
Rare variant: Giant Spider.

The most Zelda-ish baddy in the game. They are the only baddy who has a Heath bar, and are also one of two baddies that launch projectiles. Similar to the snakes, you'll want to be a ninety degree angle to the baddy. After they shoot their projectile move back in for a hit. If you see one blinking for awhile after you hit it you can go in and get another hit, free of charge.

Upper map is the best area for this baddy, the population is high and most players don't go up there.

Locations; Swamp, Northern Wilderness, Near Little Red Barn.
Average time; 15 minutes.
Rare variant: none(?).

Let me tell you a little secret... 90% of you have been killing this baddy 33% slower than necessary. Instead of doing what most people do, which is waiting and then swording it as it comes up, pick up a bush and hit it with the bush instead. That does 2 HP damage instead of 1, cutting out another hit you would have to do. Warning; you can only hit it with a bush at first, if you hit it with a bush after 1 hit you won't be credited for the bounty kill.

I like near the body shop for this baddy, since you will hopefully be able to double on the two near there... If not just move around from spawn to spawn, this baddy seems like it spawns slow so there is no point to wait around.

J. Crabs.
Location: Destiny's beach.
Average time taken: 15 minutes.
Rare Variant: Blue Crab.

This baddy is a very easy hunt, and is one of the few that currently utilizes the icon that marks the last baddy you hit. I don't feel the need to make use of that icon when they are so plentiful on the two islands off the shore. General just chase this baddy around, he isn't very offensive and shouldn't hurt you unless you run smack into him. He does dig after every two-ish hits, which can be annoying, but with so many crabs it is fine, just go hit another one and come back for them later.

My favorite location, and really the best location, are the islands. They are quick, often will spawn a rare baddy at least once, and overall just have more spawns-per-tile than the regular coast by a mile. If someone is on one of the islands just go to the other one, usually one of them is available and ready for a bounty hunter.

K. Bats
Locations: cave between snow and little red barn and the railway caves(the one with the skull hat).
Average time taken: 23 minutes.
Rare variant: Storm Trooper Bat.

Hate hunting this baddy. Their pattern is sporadic, they spawn very oddly, and they sometimes will fly into a wall and never return. My main strategy when hunting this baddy has been to spam in their general direction and hope for the best. I wish moving around would make this easier, but it doesn't. The spawns are very weird. Sometimes they will spawn very quickly and there will be 5 bats in a room with you, other times there will be none spawning for an entire two minutes. Just move from room to room(in the railway cave, haven't seen how the other cave spawns work).

I don't have a preferred spot, I hunt them so rarely that I can't say I would even want one...

L. Bandits
Location: Bandit Hideout
Average time taken: 15 minutes.
Rare variant: Bandit Leader.

This is one of the few baddies exclusive to one area. They are just like the basic rebel and Pyrat, so their combat requires very little discussion.

I recommend the last floor of the hideout, it has 5 spawns and is generally quicker. Doubling with this baddy is easy, and should be done readily. I only would recommend not doing it if there are a lot of people around and you're nervous about people stealing your kills.

2. Bug Hunting
Now, open the map and head up to MoD town. When you make it, head down. You will see a tree on your right, go to inside. Talk to Adam(the NPC) inside and receive the bug net. The whole goal of bug hunting is to get your net over the bug(not the shaft of your net, the net proper). There are other guilds that teach you how to catch bugs in more detail(will include the link to it and the end of the guide).
The bugs can be sold to a witch in Swamp Town, she is in the tree above the pond at the start. Everyday she will have a bug she will pay 1.5x the usual price for. Always sell the bugs you get for that price, be patient.
Now, there are 5 bugs I consider worth going after.

A. The Mantis
One of the easiest to catch bugs in the game, it flies from bush to bush and is worth 52 gralats. Catching them is pretty easy, just turn towards the bush it is on and swing(I find going from above or below is more successful). Delta(the island west of castle) and Mod are my favorite places to find these bugs. But they are all over the map and can be found nearly anywhere. Fairly uncommon+ You'll face stiff competition for this bug

B. The Grasshopper.
These bugs hop around on the ground, about once every second or so, they are worth 20. Very common around the map. This bug requires more technique to catch then the mantis. One of the better ways to catch them is to let them hop, and as they land move and then swing. Rambo style swinging isn't very effective.
They are everywhere, but the ones on Castle's ramparts are often not caught, so its a good spot. This bug isn't hunted as consistent.

C.The ladybug
These bugs fly around after being swung at(or just at random every now at then) and then will land again in a different spot, they are worth 52 gralats. Now, the best technique is just being patient and locking on. They are easy to catch, but other players will also go after this bug pretty consistently.

D.The Bumblebee
Easily one of the hardest bugs to catch, comes from bushes(higher spawn rate) and grass(lower spawn rate) This bug is worth 16 gralats(price was changed, used to be 86.). This bug will chase you after spawning, and if it catches you it will sting you for a lose of 1 health. The strategy is to get above it, and swing downwards when it is in range. Don't bother trying swinging to the sides or upwards; it is much harder that way. Timing is everything, again this is the hardest bug to catch. The best spots are in the castle courtyard on either side, or near brothers.(for bush spawns). The competition you will face for this bug is extremely fierce.

E.The dragonfly
This bug flys around and stops periodically, they are worth 8 gralats. There bugs aren't too hard to catch when you get the hang of it. Just follow it around, swing when it stops and continue following it. The best place(and only place) to find them is Swamp Town. I would say this bug isn't very good for earning gralats, but some say its good, just depends how good you are at catching them.

Lastly with bugs, the more skilled you become the better your profits will be. Also, there will be many times where you will be force to fight for bugs. Don't be afraid to, I even would recommend hitting people away from certain bugs. If you follow the BumbleBee prepare for bush wars! Bugs also aren't available during the winter, and when it is not the American summer time the bug spawn rate is dropped.

You should also try and have 100 AP when hunting to avoid getting hit.

Now, something to keep in mind. When the server player count gets high bugs will be harder to find, more players will be around to hunt them. When the player count is above 4,000 I recommend looting instead(detailed in next section). Also, when there is more lag bugs are much harder to catch, keep that in mind when hunting. I can't stress enough, never sell your bugs below the 1.5x price.

3. Looting
My personal favorite, this one is a money maker.
Now, I won't detail how to get the flippers to dive, though ill put a link at the below to a guide that does. Now, you have gotten the flippers. Whenever you see a dark spot, just go over and dive over it. Press the button when the exclamation mark is just coming up, and congrats, you've gotten yourself a loot. And that's it, it's that simple. Now all you have do do is sell it.

Good looting spots: Anywhere along nafets river(my preferred spot), destiny shoreline, Big City, and VIP island.

A limit was imposed on loots, only allowing you to collect 200 before maxing out. What I do now is sell the very profitable loots(pretty much just The Owl's Nest, the pirate, fisherman, and blacksmith... And the lantern guy since he's so close to Elster) and don't sell the other loots to specific people, since it barely increase your profits by such a small margin.

Where to sell your loots.
Here <- click there for all of the looting locations.(credit to Michael for making a killer guide, you should read that one after this.)has all of the selling places, honestly I didn't remember most of what to sell what where, and im not gunna just rip it from him. That guide also has the flipper quest.

Advanced tips:
There is a little bandit cave somewhere(no spoilers as to where it is, you'll probably already know though) that has 5 chests that can be taken multiple times a day, and should always be collected.

Don't forget to keep moving as you loot, the spawn rate goes down if you stay in one spot.

Don't forget to enjoy the items you get from looting too. Turtles, bricks, narwhal horn, zorbi hat, they are fun.

If you die the loot spot you are walking towards will disappear. You can also be hit when diving, which will interrupt the process.

4. Farming
Now, here we go. This will be split into subsections. A(Over-world farming) and B(House farming).

To start, over-world farming is a really good way to earn gralats. It is just boring as hell, so most people stay away from it. But here are some good places to do it. VIP island has a good farm in a building in the north west corner, any of the hour areas(Fan, Zone, Snow Lodge, Grotto) are good areas. Then you have that one little house in upper York, I like that one. But, there are so many areas to farm, so you can find the other ones. I left swamp out for a reason, too many people pking, too many people farming, too many people. Now for some techniques. There are really a multitude of different ways to go about it, bombs, horses and bombs, just swording, just on a horse. Find whatever suits you.

House farming is a good way to have "back up" money, though most just use it for decoration(which is totally cool too.) Really, the name of the game here is to use a mount and bomb to blow up grass. There are multiple houses that have farms, but you can see for yourself which one you like best, just make sure it actually has grass(or bushes, if that's your thing). I would recommend getting a 2-p mount for this, as it has more blasts per bomb then your average horse.

Never spend money on buying bombs, it's a waste. Just kill some baddies for them.
I've had people tell me that lag is good for house farming, though i can't say if that's true or not.
If you are a rule-breaker and are going to buy bombs, make sure it's at the grotto. They are cheaper there(8 gralats instead of 15).

5. Money saving for holidays and such.
Now, i will make subsections for each holiday that needs more funds then usual.

A. Christmas(or X-mas, if that's your thing.)
Most expensive holiday on classic. Step one is set up a rough range of how many gifts you plan on giving. I use a formula which looks like this.

F=People whom your giving 4 presents. f=four present people, T=three present people, t=two present people, O=one present people. PC=present cost(since that has never stayed constant).

Overly complicated? Maybe, but it gets the job done. But yeah, you need a rough range on how many gifts you plan on giving. Try to exceed that gralat total you come up with by 10-15k, for the furniture, or hats. (Or if you like giving back to those who gift you.)

B. Graaloween.
Sneakily expensive, you should have 25k at least for this holiday. Tons of hats, furniture, and mounts. Should start saving over the summer. Unless you really like it, sell the furniture, it has a high resell value. Remember, Christmas comes shortly after graaloween. So if you can't make money(you tower, for example) make sure to save a chunk for Christmas, because you'll regret it if you don't.

If you like the hats: 20k or so.

St. Patrick's:
15k or so.

New Year's Day:

Gunna put the nexus part here, because I can. Nexus can cost upwards of 20k-45k if you plan on getting a lot of goods. 100k if you plan on getting it all. The issues with Nexus and Revolution, is that there is little warning to when these things come up.
So, unless you make money all the time, chances are you'll be low-ish on funds when this comes around. So, this is the place where house farms come in handy. And if not a house farm, a loot/bug collection.

My Daily Routine
1. Get 5 loots in the morning.
2. Do Castle bounty.
3. Get 99 bombs(which will, sometimes, be obtained by your bounty).
4. Return in the evening for another 5 loots.

If you can do this you should have a good amount of gralats for whatever holiday and nexus comes your way, it takes around 30 minutes depending what day it is, and earns you around 1.3k~

Final tips.
Make sure to do your Bounty quest everyday if you can. It's by far the most convenient way to make money. Don't forget those 5 loots, (they refresh multiple times per day now) from the bandit caves either, they add up.

If you tower, here are a couple things you can do. If you have swamp go around farming the tower, make money where you can. Also you can loot if there aren't any pkers/attackers.

If you're super-duper pr0, try making money threw crab chance.

Only buy hats or furniture you know you'll use.

There are some treasure chests around the world map, find them if you can.
You can get gold and purple gralats from chests from maps. Also, watch out for flaming rats and golden blobs!

You can also try Trialplay, which has some options. Though I find that they aren't worth all that much, there are a couple(LifeLock, for example) that pay out. Only do this if you are looking for the services already and just want to reap extra benefits.

Anyway, if you managed to finish that huge thing, congratulations. Hope some of you got some use out of this, feel free to ask me to add sections, I'll add them when new methods come out.

Liz 10-03-2015 04:05 PM

Or just get 100ap and steal gralats from ppl in swamp xD

Arsenal 10-03-2015 05:08 PM

Maybe you can go in depth about which guild houses and houses are good for farming and tricks. Personally, these two are my favourite ways of farming

This one is for your guild house. The audio is low so turn your speakers up.

This second one is for your house. Less time consuming than the first but burns up your bombs more quickly.

Aside from that, I liked your guide. + rep

Nem 10-03-2015 05:25 PM

Love this guide u made me very rich, thank you.

Areo 10-03-2015 06:29 PM


Posted by yuigraal (Post 618713)
Or just get 100ap and steal gralats from ppl in swamp xD

Yui the forbidden techniques must not be uttered


Posted by Arsenal (Post 618725)
Maybe you can go in depth about which guild houses and houses are good for farming and tricks. Personally, these two are my favourite ways of farming

This one is for your guild house. The audio is low so turn your speakers up.

This second one is for your house. Less time consuming than the first but burns up your bombs more quickly.

Aside from that, I liked your guide. + rep

I can add the houses

Albie 10-03-2015 07:28 PM

It's weird, I never deliberately set out to get gralats, I just gradually gain them over time.

Bryan* 10-04-2015 03:23 AM

@Arsenal, the one with the sparring and the other with a giant pool by it

GOAT 10-04-2015 05:20 PM

iclassic might not be Pay2Win, but they still need some revenue support. So choose mommy's credit card as your choice of getting gralats(once in a while). :wink: :wink: @max

Gitaz 10-04-2015 08:34 PM


Posted by GOAT (Post 619010)
iclassic might not be Pay2Win, but they still need some revenue support. So choose mommy's credit card as your choice of getting gralats(once in a while). :wink: :wink: @max

I cri everi tiem

Areo 12-03-2015 03:01 PM

Added holiday section and updated pyrat quest section, as of December third, 2015. Will add house section next.

Areo 12-31-2015 05:49 PM

Changed price of bee, as of December 29th.

Pr0m4N V.14 01-03-2016 05:51 PM

OR you can get a job, AMD get payed minumum wage so you don't live in a car oars box.

Springy 01-04-2016 04:23 AM


Posted by GOAT (Post 619010)
iclassic might not be Pay2Win, but they still need some revenue support. So choose mommy's credit card as your choice of getting gralats(once in a while). :wink: :wink: @max

Ha ha too bad my parents think it's a waste

Areo 09-26-2016 06:15 PM

Updated some prices, later on I'll change the bug prices, need to check them again. Will also update the loot section with the recent nerfs later today.

Added my routine section.

4-Lom 09-27-2016 03:03 AM

In original post, I have a couple more pointers.

Getting 100 AP makes catching bugs a lot easier in a crowd or crowded areas.

And for loots - the bandit treasure - you can get it more than once a day. I haven't heard of anyone who has timed it, but 6, 8, or 12 hours might be the cycle.


Posted by Albie (Post 618777)
It's weird, I never deliberately set out to get gralats, I just gradually gain them over time.

This is just practice and resulting skill.

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