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TomatoPanda 08-16-2020 02:50 AM

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Posted by MrSimons (Post 831118)
Theres a "second wave" where I live. Mayor issued an order to ban dining in, which would seem to be a reasonable thing. Yet it has really stirred up all the COVidiots who refuse to mask up, and a few restaurants won't close their dining in and have just decided to eat all the fines-- which incidentally they can do because the anti-maskers are going there in hordes.

You need to realize Covid is gonna be around forever all your doing by supporting these bans on businesses (which shouldnt be aloud in the first place) is destroying the economy. I agree people should wear mask that being said if people wish to be idiots and not wear them that should be their choice. Stop giving the government so much power it's stupid we all know that they'll abuse that power yet people like you that support these bans on businesses and forcing people to wear mask act like your more morally right. Do you know how much the GDP collapsed in USA because of covid? (33%) More people across the world are gonna end up dead to starvation then covid itself. Were already starting to see the breadlines in big AMERICAN cities form.

Now were having stupid mayors threatening to turn the power off and water during a heat wave against their own citizens who pay for it simply because they wish to keep their businesses open.

(Off topic from covid) Also when it comes to the BLM stuff cities that have defunded their police have seen crime skyrocket everywhere. I agree we need police reform but that should mean funding for better training not defunding the department's.

The business closings were suppose and said to only be for at most a month but now here we are 4 months later with radical politicians trying to bankrupt small businesses while supporting big corporations like Walmart, Sam's Club, etc. Which by the way if you can shop in Walmart perfectly fine and stand in line there then you should be able to go vote in person this november.

Aftermath 08-17-2020 04:31 PM

mmmm that crisp impact font

GOAT 09-10-2020 08:32 PM

I predict a second wave of this awful virus

and I don’t mean COVID


Tomato you still a Trump fanboy?

MrSimons 09-11-2020 05:47 AM


Posted by TomatoPanda (Post 831144)
You need to realize Covid is gonna be around forever all your doing by supporting these bans on businesses (which shouldnt be aloud in the first place) is destroying the economy. I agree people should wear mask that being said if people wish to be idiots and not wear them that should be their choice. Stop giving the government so much power it's stupid we all know that they'll abuse that power yet people like you that support these bans on businesses and forcing people to wear mask act like your more morally right. Do you know how much the GDP collapsed in USA because of covid? (33%) More people across the world are gonna end up dead to starvation then covid itself. Were already starting to see the breadlines in big AMERICAN cities form.

The business closings were suppose and said to only be for at most a month but now here we are 4 months later with radical politicians trying to bankrupt small businesses while supporting big corporations like Walmart, Sam's Club, etc. Which by the way if you can shop in Walmart perfectly fine and stand in line there then you should be able to go vote in person this november.

Aight then...

I never said I supported "bans on businesses", and that's not even what I was talking about in my post. Restaurants in my city were allowed to stay open as long as they weren't providing dine in services. I even mentioned how restaurants haven't needed to actually comply with that regulation anyway... just go on twitter and call the mayor a tyrant, leave your doors open, and rake in the cash from making a dumb political statement. If I had to bet these places are probably even doing better because no one was interested in their garbage diner food before all this went down, now you can't even park in their lots its so packed.

I have yet to see it meaningfully illustrated why any COVID restrictions that the government is enforcing are more authoritarian than the powers the USG already has, or even that COVID related regulations are new powers. I guess this idea makes more sense when people believe the US is some magic freedom land though.

Since you brought it up I think the whole "if you can go buy groceries you can go to vote in person" is just disingenuous, and this is coming from someone who would vote in person if they were able to (my inability to vote in person is unrelated to covid). I imagine most people concerned enough about the virus to want to mail-in vote would also prefer to not go to the store and buy groceries... but its not like you can just stop buying food, kinda need to eat.

edit: just noticed your breitbart citation. hope that was an accident lol.

Crono 09-11-2020 06:48 PM


Posted by MrSimons (Post 831291)
edit: just noticed your breitbart citation. hope that was an accident lol.

youd be surprised

TomatoPanda 09-26-2020 11:21 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Posted by MrSimons (Post 831291)
edit: just noticed your breitbart citation. hope that was an accident lol.

Yes its a Breitbart source but i also provided another source because i know how you people on the left are with it.

By the way instead of complaining about the breitbart source how about you read the article. They provide even more sources in it. Im the same way with left wing biased sources but im at least willing to read them when I see them.


Posted by GOAT (Post 831277)
Tomato you still a Trump fanboy?

Hes not the best man in the world but ill take him over the radical left everyday. Plus how is Joe gonna negotiate with world leaders when he cant even read off a teleprompter properly.


Posted by MrSimons (Post 831291)
If I had to bet these places are probably even doing better because no one was interested in their garbage diner food before all this went down, now you can't even park in their lots its so packed.

Keep attacking small businesses with your bias great strategy to win those people over. I can't wait till the election it's gonna be hard to rig it now without Queen Ruth on the court :)

GOAT 10-05-2020 11:20 PM


MrSimons 10-12-2020 09:49 PM


Posted by TomatoPanda (Post 831351)
Yes its a Breitbart source but i also provided another source because i know how you people on the left are with it.

By the way instead of complaining about the breitbart source how about you read the article. They provide even more sources in it. Im the same way with left wing biased sources but im at least willing to read them when I see them.

"You people on the left"... my god my sides.


Posted by MrSimons (Post 776885)
For the last election? I was a huge fan of Rand Paul


Posted by MrSimons (Post 775512)
I voted Trump. While he isn't the President I really want I think its a much better situation than having Clinton elected. Really couldn't support anything she spoke for.

But anyway, why intentionally read disreputable news sources when you can just... not do that. Especially since there's clearly other sources for what you were claiming?


Posted by TomatoPanda (Post 831351)
Keep attacking small businesses with your bias great strategy to win those people over. I can't wait till the election it's gonna be hard to rig it now without Queen Ruth on the court :)

Is "attacking them with my bias" (whatever that was supposed to me) really a reference to how I said they never got much business because their food is bad? Because both of those things are true and are their fault.

As a little update to the situation that started this discussion, the diner owner's sister has now started a conspiracy about how our mayor allegedly sends nudes to underage girls, which was very quickly proven totally wrong by the FBI, local PD, and people involved. So actually, I'd prefer to not be on the same side as these people. They're crazy, and their opinions are bad.

The Doctor 10-12-2020 11:24 PM

I don’t care what side you’re on, there’s no denying that President Trump downplayed the virus and allowed it to spiral out of control. My dad voted for Trump in 2016, and he’s going to be voting for Biden this election.

MrSimons 10-12-2020 11:28 PM


Posted by The Doctor (Post 831490)
I don’t care what side you’re on, there’s no denying that President Trump downplayed the virus and allowed it to spiral out of control. My dad voted for Trump in 2016, and he’s going to be voting for Biden this election.

Like any reasonable person would.

Sawyer 10-13-2020 04:21 PM

Trump is a great guy I met him and shook his hand. I still haven't washed it!

I am still sick two weeks later from how much I love him!

5hift 10-14-2020 09:14 PM


Posted by TomatoPanda (Post 831144)
More people across the world are gonna end up dead to starvation then covid itself.

I mean this has always been the case ever since human civilization began lol...

Last time I checked more people dying from starvation then disease was the norm.

Would be pretty ironic if more Americans actually started dying from starvation instead of COVID considering we're one of the largest producers of food in the world.

Aftermath 10-15-2020 01:00 AM

300,000 americans die annually from the exact opposite of starvation , So yeah very ironic.

5hift 10-15-2020 05:17 AM

Yeah lmfao I was about to say.

The distribution of food worldwide is grossly uneven not to mention the amount of food waste countries produce but those are topic for another day :)

GOAT 10-17-2020 10:00 PM


Posted by The Doctor (Post 831490)
I don’t care what side you’re on, there’s no denying that President Trump downplayed the virus and allowed it to spiral out of control. My dad voted for Trump in 2016, and he’s going to be voting for Biden this election.

There’s only one side, the American side.
They key is the people near the center of the political spectrum (give n take)

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